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Electric, Gasoline and Hybrid Cars

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The days of dominance of the gas-powered cars in the market are numbered. That is because hybrid vehicles being rolled out and launched by different car makers are creating a wave of interest, curiosity and patronage in the market.

For quite some time, people around the world have been relying on their cars for luxury, convenience and other basic functions. Cars have become a necessity for people that in some countries, it would be hard to live without owning one.

There are a number of issues and concerns regarding man’s reliance and use of cars. For one, prices of gasoline, which is the basic in running cars, are always rising.

Within the past 15 years, gasoline prices have been the most volatile among all the commodities in the world market. That is because the Middle East is the principal supplier and producer of these basic liquids, and you know how political conflicts always arise in the region.

Another setback for the use of cars is the issue on its environmental impact. Running cars use the combustion process of gasoline in the motor and engine, and the process creates massive amounts of pollutants particularly to the air.

There is an emerging green house effect that affects the climate around the world. Experts and environmentalists primarily point out and blame car engine combustion for the ongoing depletion of the protective ozone covering of the planet’s atmosphere.

That prompted car manufacturers to come out with modifications to the old and conventional style and structure of cars. Thus, there are hybrid cars.

Gasoline powered cars

Gas-powered cars have fuel tanks that supply gasoline or fuel to its engine. The engine, in turn converts the energy produced into transmission, which in turn turns the wheels, making mobility possible.

To be useful and extremely functional, experts have set standards or minimum requirements for cars. First, the car must run at least 300 miles before re-fueling is required. Another, the car must quickly and easily refuel.

Those two factors will ensure that each car will be able to keep up with other cars and prevent traffic congestion and other delays on the road.

The traditional and conventional gasoline powered cars meet those requirements, with flying colors. There are a number of car models out in the market today that offer much more and better features to the demanding consumers.

It should be noted that consumers now are more particular to the exterior design of cars. But to their advantage, the modern slick and beautiful cars are also powered up, making the latest cars not just beautiful but also superior and powerful.

Electric cars

In an attempt to answer the increasing problems on air pollution from car combustions processes, several car manufacturers have come up with cars that are powered not by gasoline but by electricity.

The electricity to be used in running those cars are stored in batteries. Thus, the electric cars have sets of batteries, which provide electricity and energy to the electric motor, which in turn, runs the transmission that turns the wheels.

Thus, no gasoline combustion and carbon monoxide emission is produced. However, one greatest, and most significant setback for the electric car is that it does not meet the specific car power requirements.

Electric cars on the average can only run 50 to 100 miles before electric charging is needed. By that, it falls inferior to the traditional and conventional gasoline powered cars. Another problem is that these cars take longer time to recharge their batteries, to the inconvenience of the user.

Hybrid cars

The contrasting features of the gas-powered cars and the electric cars meet half way through the hybrid cars. Hybrid cars combine the power requirement features of the gas powered and the electric cars.

However, many find hybrid cars a compromise. For one, these cars aim to raise the mileage and lower combustion emissions, and at the same time overcome the limitations of the modern electric cars.

There are a number of hybrid car models out in the market today, though they can be a little overpriced. Before you finally decide to purchase one, be sure to know the outstanding features and setbacks and be prepared for surprising discoveries, which could both be advantageous or disadvantageous.

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