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The Gas-electric or Hybrid Cars

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Through the years, there are integration of modern and conventional technologies. The land line telephones have integrated with the wireless devices. The typewriter has integrated with the telephone line to create the modern computer.

Thus, technology has never failed to amaze people. It always comes up with answers to today’s most pressing needs and issues.

The car is part of that cross-over trend between old and modern technology. Thus, through the years, when people get tired of paying rising oil and gasoline bills for their cars, they air the need to purchase cars that are more economical.

People have always dreamt of cars that would totally run free from oil and gasoline, whose prices have always been rapidly increasing through the years.

That is because there is always political tension in the Middle Eastern region, the area where all countries contribute to the production and export of gasoline and oil, the time’s most basic liquid and raw material.

Some people even joke that the oil has become far more important than the universal solvent, water. But that is another case and proposition meant to be discussed in another article.

The gas- and electric-powered cars

The gas-powered cars have long dominated the market for cars. But those days were nearing becoming just history. There are many and emerging new cars that are set to pull out the gas powered cars out of its current pedestal.

Changes occur when there is dissatisfaction. In this case, people have long been dissatisfied about the stressful oil price hikes, which come almost on a weekly basis worldwide.

But since car makers can never dictate prices of cars, and their sales and revenues are dwindling because people tend to spend less on cars, they developed ways to keep sales robust.

The hybrid cars have become the answers to everyone’s problems about cars and oil price hikes. The hybrid cars are basically gas-electric. It means the cars are powered both by electricity and by gasoline.

What a potent combination that is! People have anticipated the birth of gas-electric or hybrid cars, that upon the launch of such cars, more people came to see the event, with the more affluent ones, immediately creating purchases.

True to its name, the gas-electric or hybrid cars are the car not just of the modern times, but also of the future. Because gasoline prices are constantly advancing, people will eventually see the need for more hybrid cars in the market.

Wrong notions

There are, however, misconceptions and misleading notions about gas-electric of hybrid cars. For one, gasoline or oil is still needed to keep them running.

Buying gas-electric or hybrid cars do not mean the need to go the nearest oil station would be eliminated. Hybrid cars only promise greater efficiency because gasoline consumption is lessened, not eliminated.

Gas-electric or hybrid cars are alternately powered by electricity. The electric currents flowing from batteries will not be able to entirely run the car on long mileages, so the more effective measure devised by car makers is to combine them.

There are functions and instances when the car will be powered by electricity in hybrid cars, but not all the time. Through that little cut off time for gasoline consumption, gas bills will be reduced to the users’ content.

Another misconception is that hybrid cars or gas-electric cars are more powerful than oil cars. They are not. They are somehow inferior to the traditional cars in a way that hybrids are less speedy than the older counterpart.

That is because the technology infusing oil and electricity for car usage is still raw and will still go a far way before fully becoming not just a fad, but a functioning and more efficient version of older cars.

Gas-electric or hybrid cars may save a little cost for gasoline, but it still is a significant investment to buy one. The average costs of gas-electric or hybrid cars are still higher compared to the modern conventional cars, so sit back and think twice before totally getting gaga over hybrid cars.

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