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The Setbacks of Electric and Hybrid Cars

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Since the car was invented centuries ago, people and car makers around the world have aimed to roll out and introduce the best car models, for the convenience of the end users and for their company revenue growth.

The technology for making and manufacturing cars have really evolved through the years, that generation after generation, there is almost always a striking modification of the old ways.

Car makers in Japan, the United States, Germany and elsewhere have always strived to outpace each other in the race to offering the best car model and product to the market.

Thus, almost all the issues, concerns and shortcomings of the old and traditional car models are addressed in the making and assembly of the modern successors.

Cars of today are exteriorly, more superior than those of yesteryears. Take the exterior design, for example. A car in the 1920 era would be totally ashamed if put beside the latest Camry model of Toyota or Honda’s Civic.

The electric cars

Probably, the first major attempt to improve cars is the emergence or invention of the electric cars. People had been excited on the news that years ago, the electric cars were considered the cars of the future.

Unfortunately, electric cars did not live or failed to live to the expectations set against it. True enough, electric cars definitely eliminate the pollution caused by combustion of oil and gasoline inside engines and motors.

But there are more setbacks to the electric cars than there are pull ups or advantages. One of those setbacks is the inconvenience in electric recharging.

Because electricity are stored in batteries before the electric cars get to make use of it, batteries almost always run out of power rather quickly.

The thing is, recharging the electric charges of such batteries take some time and a little longer that people will almost always run out of patience waiting. Thus, the idea of cars giving convenience to its users is breached.

Another setback, is the limited mileage capacity of the electric cars. On the average, it is estimated that electric cars run only about 50 to 100 miles before the electric supply runs out, compared to 200 to 350 miles, on the average, that gasoline powered cars run out of gasoline.

It is this one setback that made the manufacturing of electric cars out of hand, or totally not feasible. No consumer would ever want to buy cars like that, right?

The hybrid cars

But car makers are so determined to win the race. They have patiently and resourcefully challenged the test of time and rising demand for car evolution.

Thus, a few years ago, the hybrid cars were unveiled in the global car market. The reception was so overwhelming that almost all the important car makers around the world are coming out with their own hybrid car versions.

And just like how electric cars were so promising during their launch, hybrid cars are also spurring and arousing amazement from the expecting public.

The introduction of hybrid cars also gave long-awaited hope to car owners and drivers who are so concerned about the environment and the constantly rising oil and gasoline prices.

The current global oil crisis is unleashing all devils in all the world economies, and thus, the unveiling of hybrid cars provided promises and hope to alleviate from the ever-increasing demand for oil products.

Thus, the first buyers of the modern hybrid cars have that in mind. They want to significantly cut oil consumption and help save the environment by means of lower greenhouse gas emissions.

It is time you check on your car dealer to know more perks of the hybrid cars. There are more and more hybrid car models in the market. One more setback, the prices are really, really high, so lean back before getting totally overwhelmed, by amazement and frustration.

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