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Tips for Identity Theft Prevention

Is it really possible to prevent identity theft? The answer is both yes and no. Let us make a comparison between identity theft and somebody who attempts to break into your house. Can you stop somebody who will break into your house? Of course, you will do everything to make it difficult for him. You will be installing alarms, locks and cameras for security purpose. You hire the services of armed guards and some experts in security.

With the above mentioned preparations, is there any possibility that somebody will be able still to house break? Certainly, if that somebody is full of determination, armed with sophisticated weapons and outnumbering your guards. This has been shown many times in the movies.

It is really the same thing with identity theft prevention. You will do something to make it more complicated to somebody, yet there is no guarantee that you will not be the next victim but at least you will minimize the risk. Just be cautious in managing your personal information and with total awareness, you will be able to be on guard against identity theft. What is important is to be prepared always and be clever always and on your guard.

There is really a need to be aware of the increasing number of cases on identity theft. It is due maybe to the comparatively low risk, high reward stake given to criminals. All they will have to do is to get your Social Security Number and some pieces of data which are taken easily. Then, they will assume your identity and commit credit deception. It’s a pity for the victims because they will spend so much money time draining ordeal which will create financial and emotional distress.

Below are the tips for identity theft prevention.

1. Always give protection to your Social Security Number. Do not place your Social Security Number in your wallet or to be printed on your checks. It is the main object of criminals.

2. Be aware of shoulder-surfers. Make sure nobody is looking over your shoulder when you enter a pin number or a credit card number to an ATM machine, or in a phone book.

3. Everything must be shred. You should keep your identity from being thrown into the garbage can.

4. Instead of signing the backs of your credit cards, just write “See Photo ID”.

5. Be sure to destroy all digital data.

6. You should be diligent in checking statements. Bills and bank statements must be checked properly.

7. Go to the post office in paying your bills. Do not leave your paid bills in the mailbox to be sent out. They will be stolen and to be washed with chemicals.

8. It is better to limit information in your checks.

9. You should analyze your credit report every year. It has your Social Security Number, present and prior employers, the list of all your account numbers, including those you have closed and your general credit score.

10. Your computer must be free from viruses and spies.

11. If you are going to shop online, be sure to check first the website before entering your credit card number or any personal information.

12. Always monitor your credit history.

13. Do not hesitate to ask questions whenever you are asked about personal information which is not connected to the transaction.

14. You should not be influenced by pre-approved credit offers.

15. Do not bring with you additional credit cards or other important personal identity documents unless necessary.

16. Ask for your Social Security Earnings and Benefits statement every year so as to check for deception.

17. You should examine first the charges on your credit card statements before you pay.

18. All unused credit card accounts must be cancelled immediately.

19. Don’t ever give your credit card number or any personal information when using the phone except when you trust that business or you started the phone conversation.

20. Make a subscription to a credit report monitoring service so that you will be notified in case somebody applies for credit using your name.

21. Do not be afraid to question the identity of the people and companies which will initiate contact with you, through the email, mail, telephone or even in person.

22. Don’t leave your wallet or purse unattended most especially in the church, place of work, restaurants, parties or on trolleys for shopping.

Notify immediately the bank, if you did not receive any statement.

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