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College Time Management- Access to a Good Career

“Son, remember that the journey to a thousand miles always begin with a first step.”

James is getting irritated with this usual reprimand of his father. Every morning when he wakes up late, instead of scolding him, the father always utters this friendly advice to his son.

Are you like James? Wake up to reality dear college students.

College life is very different from spending your time in high school. It is the point when people are expecting much from you. You are bearing greater responsibility.

It is a period of maturity, you are accountable in every decision you take.

What do you think is the greatest factor that hinders your everyday task as a college student? Is it peer pressure or the burden of school projects?

Most of the students are complaining in the duration of their college life. It seems too long for them. They have many things to do. Group discussion today, project tomorrow and examination the next day, all these sometime make you freak out.

Have you ever had a time of reflecting within you? Did you ever ask yourself about the real reason behind the problems you encounter?

Well, you had better do so. Perhaps, this is the time for you to assess yourself and make a difference.

The reason behind all the problems that you encounter during your college life falls on one key factor, time management. It is most important than what you think.

Managing your time properly is just associated with your dedication and commitment. If you do so, it will simply mean that you are starting to become more responsible individual.

Time management is a very essential practice for every college students. This will help you to lessen the pressure you feel. This will also prevent you from cramming. It will make things work lighter for you, little by little.

Here are some tips for you to manage your time accurately:

1. Be organized; make a timetable.

When you are just getting started, this is a bit time consuming. You need to provide yourself with a handy notebook where you can place the date, time and your scheduled activity for the day.

This will teach you to become organize. You can allot your time properly. If there are necessary adjustments that you will do, at least you can easily check it in your timetable.

2. Be goal driven- tack a goal for every activity.

There is always a time for enjoyment with your peers. However, in every activity that you do make sure that you are tracking a particular goal.

Every move that you take should be base on your personal objective. This will make you grow as a person.

3. Set your priorities.

Important activities should be settled first above other minor actions. If you have examination tomorrow and it was the birthday party of your friend, better go on with your exam first.

You can ask your friend to go out maybe on the weekends. If he is really a true friend for you, he will understand you.

Your priorities will also be reflected on your timetable. Your entire schedule that can be set aside should be place at the bottom. Usually, for a college student the common activities that you need to prioritize are those that concern your school.

Those are just simple tips for you. The kind of life that you will have in the future will depend upon you. If you continue to mismanage your time, expect that you will also have a lesser chance to succeed.

You must grab all the opportunities offered for you in your college life. Make use of every second that you have resourcefully. This will serve as your initial step in tracking a good future.

Time management is your doorway to success. This is your first pace towards the thousand miles. Do not be annoyed when your parents are scolding you when you are always late. They always know what the best is for you. This is for your own sake.

Keep in mind that whatever you are performing now will determine the kind of person that you will become in the future.

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