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Baby Shower Games For Your Special Baby Shower

So you're holding a baby shower? Then you will need baby shower games to keep the guests entertained. While the baby shower is a good time to pamper the mom-to-be and make her feel very special there are also a number of guests that need to be kept happy for the duration of the event. Our focus here is on baby shower games, since these are always the most memorable part of any baby shower.

Baby shower games can be both silly and entertaining by overall they should be plain old fun. Some are intended to embarrass the mom-to-be, but others can really be fun and may even teach the guests something. The promise of a prize, even something token like, always adds to the enjoyment too.

Games can be a great way to get guests to mingle at a shower especially if they dont know each other and it is also a great ice breaker. Here are some ideas for choosing the right baby shower games:

In the planning stages of the baby shower, be sure to discuss potential game ideas with the mom-to-be. She may have some definite dislikes when it comes to baby shower games, and since it's her day, you want to be sure to plan something she'll enjoy and be very comfortable with.

Plan the first baby shower game for early in the party because it can make for a great icebreaker, so try to schedule it for just after everyone arrives but just before the main food courses and gift opening.

Pick a game that is connected to your theme. Whatever your decorating and food plans, you can tie it all together with a well-chosen game in the same theme.

Prepare in advance. If your game requires writing, be sure you've gathered up enough pens and pencils beforehand. And the same thing goes for other objects: have it all ready to go so guests dont have to wait.

Choose creative but inexpensive prizes as token items for guests. The fun of the game should be in the playing, but it's nice to have a prize and enters a little competitive spirit. Take pictures during the baby shower game. They make great additions to a mom's scrapbook and as a long term keepsake for the baby.

Choose easy Games.

Games should be easy to explain and easy to play. Anything confusing or difficult takes all the fun out of it and people get bored before the game even begins.

So now that you know how to plan for the shower games, here are some of the more popular shower games for you to incorporate into your event:

Guessing the Baby Food - Remove the labels from a few jars of baby food after marking the lids by numbers. Make a list of the contents of each jar. Each person has to taste the food and try to guess what it is pear, potato, custard, beef etc. Let everyone write down the number from the jar and what they think is in it. The person with the most correct guesses wins the game!

The Tray Game - Place a number of baby items on a tray. (Usually about 15-20). Slowly circle the room allowing each guest a chance to examine the items. Remove the tray from the room and see who can remember the most items on a paper in 2 minutes. Usually the items on the tray go to the expectant mom and the winner gets a small prize.

Guess the Girth - Check with the guest of honor in advance on this one. All you need is a ball or two of string. Ask guests to cut a length of string that they think will stretch around the future mom's belly. After everyone has had a turn, the mother-to-be measures and cuts a string that fits her belly. Compare her string to all the guests' pieces of string. The person who was closest wins a small prize. This is a great icebreaker and always good for some laughs.

Baby Picture Match Game - In advance, ask all the guests for pictures of themselves as babies. Assemble the photos on a pin up board and assign a number to each photo. At some point during the shower, pass out sheets of paper to the guests so they can match each baby to the appropriate grown-up. If the guests don't know each other well, name tags can help the process. The person who gets the most correct answers wins.

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