Some women like to grow plants and flower gardens as their hobbies. Men also like to work in the garden or yard as a way to get away from work. There is something relaxing about working in the dirt or soil. I actually read once in a popular science magazine that there is actually a chemical in the soil that makes people feel good. It is no wonder that some people enjoy working in the yard and garden so much. It really does make you feel good.
Camping is a hobby that many people also enjoy. I know some people who just cannot stay out of the outdoors. They always want to be up in the mountains or out at the lake. Some love to fish, some love to hunt, some love to trap, while others just like to look at the scenery and take pictures. Photography itself is a popular hobby for many people and the possibilities there are endless also with all of the sceneries and backgrounds to take pictures of, from city life to the mountains and backcountry.
Travel may be your hobby. Some people just like to see new things and visit new places they have never been before. I met one family who said they just could not be happy. They could not find what they liked until they began to travel. That is what made them happy, going and seeing the world, visiting new, diverse, and exotic places. The possibilities there are endless too. A new place for many people is often an hour or just a little more away. Think of all of the places you would like to visit and which ones are feasible and start visiting them. Figure out how to make the other places and hobbies feasible in the long run. In the meantime, bring your hobby ideas to life at the
Peter Jay is the Owner/President and CEO of Variety Access – Your online hobby store and more. For more information about hobbies, hobby products, or Variety Access, go to