7. I can enhance my children’s educational experience.
Children learn more from an experience rather than sitting in a classroom or reading a book. Trips to Washington D.C., Niagara Falls, Gettysburg, PA, Kitty Hawk are all great reasons to fly the family. Re-live your childhood at the same time.
8. Flying as therapy?
Well, believe it or not, some people fly for its therapeutic benefits. Life’s problems seem to disintegrate as altitude increases. Try it next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges!
9. An airplane is a terrific status symbol.
If status is what you’re looking for. . . you can’t beat an airplane. Not only are pilots looked up to, but when it’s your own airplane. . . “You’ve arrived!” No one even needs to know that the airplane is generating a positive cash flow.
10. I just WANT one!
Sometimes we just need to satisfy or desires! “I’m worth it.” “I’ve worked hard and this is my reward.” “I only live once!”
I know you can add to this list!
About the Author Pat Redmond, Brighton, Mi usa airplanenoise@airplanenoise.com