Title: Study Guide for Organic Chemistry, Third Edition
Authors: Seyhan N Ege, Roberta Kleinman, Marjorie Carter
Year 1994
soft cover
1100 pages
Publisher: DC Heath and Company
Content: Structure Bonding in organic compounds, Covalent bonding,
chemical reactivity, reactions of organic compounds as acids and bases,
reaction pathways, alkanes and cycloalkanes, stereochemistry,
Nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions, alkenes, alkynes,
infrared spectroscopy, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, alcohols,
diols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, addition reactions, electrophilic carbon
atoms, carboxylic acids derivatives I, Nucleophilic substitution reactions at
the carbonyl group, carboxylic acids and their derivatives II. synthetic
transformations and compounds of biological interest. enols and enolate
anions as nucleophiles I . alkylation and condensation reactions, polyenes,
enols and enolate anions as nucleophiles II . Conjugate addition reactions,
Ylides, Chemistry of aromatic compounds I. Electrophilic aromatic
substitution. Free radicals, mass spectrometry, The chemistry of amines.
The chemistry of aromatic compounds, synthetic transformation, chemistry
of hetrocyclic compounds, carbohydrates, amino acids, reptides and
proteins, macromolecular chemistry, concerted reactions.