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Proform XP 590s Treadmill

The Proform XP 590s Treadmill - Storage Is XPedient

The Proform XP 590s treadmill is one of the XP series treadmills produced exclusively by Proform for Sears.

Proform XP 590s treadmills, along with the 542e, 542s and XP 800VF, are designed for use in the home gym and are suitable for use in fitness, training and weight loss programs.

Proform is one of several brands offered at Sears, but nearly all,Healthrider, Weslo, and Nordic Track included, are manufactured by Icon Health and Fitness, the largest producer of exercise and training equipment worldwide.

Pro Form is known to place greater attention on design and extra features at the expense of quality, but in the economy class of treadmills they are often rated Best Buys.

Proform And Sears - Big Boys Like To Stick Together

The XP 590s treadmill is a larger model in the XP series with a running deck of 19x55".

That should be especially appealing to larger individuals and those who restrict their fitness training to running.

Otherwise, it largely shares the specifications of the 542s and 542e treadmills: a 2.75HP motor for speeds up to 10MPH with power incline up to 10% and cushioned running surface using the ProShox system.

The Pro- Form 590s, like the XP542e, includes a Carb Counter among all sorts of readouts in case you're fitness regimen follows a low-carb weight loss program.

Preset workouts and iFit interactive technology are also featured along with ePort for playing MP3's.

A nice feature is the lift assist for fold-away storage.

The Pro Form XP 590s sells for less than $900, most treadmills suitable for running start at a couple hundred more, but is sometimes discounted or rebates may apply.

Sears also offers a nice service in that the XP590s can be ordered online but picked up at your local Sears retail store, sparing you the delivery time.

Sears offers Service Agreements and provides service on many of its own products.

More information and reviews on the full range of pro form treadmills can be found at Best Treadmill Guide

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