Treadmill Articles
Refurbished Treadmills What Exactly Are They?
Refurbished treadmills are big business. Because treadmills can be so expensive there are many who can not afford to buy a new one. Thats where refurbished treadmills come in. But what exactly are refurbished treadmills?
Its not just because treadmills are expensive that people are looking to buy some form of second hand, used or refurbished treadmill. It can also be because there is a huge range of treadmills on the market. With a huge range of features.
The aspiring treadmill user is often aware that it is better to start at the lower end of the treadmill market and spend some time getting the feel for exercising on a treadmill.
Although treadmills are some of the most popular items of fitness equipment in the US, they dont appeal to everyone. Some people can find that they use a treadmill for a while and decide that they prefer some other form of exercise. Sometimes it not another piece of indoor exercise equipment, its just that they prefer to exercise outdoors.
So many people will spend a more limited amount of money on a lower end machine and wait until they are happy to upgrade. Others will buy a refurbished treadmill at a much lower price and get a better machine than they would get buying new at the cheapest end of the market.
Not only that, once you have spent some time using a treadmill you will get some feel for the types of features you require in a treadmill. Theres no point in rushing out and buying the most expensive, top of the range model just to find that you dont use most of the features.
So it makes sense to spend less, get some basic treadmill experience in, and then upgrade to get the exact model you want with the features you need. So you may not need to buy new for your first treadmill anyway, as you may only have it for a year or two.
Thats where refurbished treadmills come in. There are risks in just going out to look for ordinary used treadmills. You dont know what you are getting. If the motor breaks down the day after you buy it then it may become an expensive treadmill.
A refurbished treadmill, although usually more expensive than a similar second hand model, is a safer bet, especially in the long term.
So, back to our question, what is a refurbished treadmill?
There is a whole range of cheaper treadmills. They can be called refurbished treadmills, factory refurbished treadmills, remanufactured treadmills or just used or second hand treadmills.
Lets dispose of the last two first. Used and second hand treadmills are generally just treadmills that someone has used and wants to sell. You buy them, you take all the risk. Unless you know exactly what to look for when buying a treadmill like this then stay clear. Cheap treadmills like this can certainly be, well, cheap. But risky.
And the others? Generally all the terms mean that the treadmills have been disassembled to some degree and rebuilt, usually with new parts to relace broken or worn out parts. The frame sand blasted, sometimes, and the treadmill resprayed, sometimes. However there can be some differences.
Remanufactured treadmills or refurbished treadmills means just that. Treadmills which have been remanufactured or refurbished as we have described above. It doesnt tell you WHO remanufactured or refurbished them. Was it the local bicycle mechanic who did it? Often you dont know.
And what is the difference between refurbished and remanufactured? Generally remanufactured will mean an older machine which needs parts replacing because it is getting more worn out. Refurbished usually means newer machines which may even be only a year or two old and which do not have enough wear to require serious rebuilding.
Better always to look for FACTORY refurbished or remanufactured treadmills. Machines which have gone back to the original factory and been refurbished by qualified technicians. Or else a business which makes a living from remanufacturing or refurbishing treadmills.
This process should involve taking the treadmill apart, examining all the parts and replacing all broken, worn out or old parts. Before it is reassembled it should be sand blasted and repainted. It should look like a new treadmill, or at least very close to it.
So, things to look for:
1. The age of the treadmill.
2. Who is refurbishing or remanufacturing it.
3. Most importantly, the warranty you get with it.
Why the warranty? Well if its a great refurbished treadmill then they ought to recognise this with a great warranty.
No warranty? Stay clear. 60 or 90 days? Better but not perfect.
The longer the warranty, the more confidence you have in the machine. So when you buy, make sure you check out the warranty.
I have just been looking on the net at some refurbished Precor treadmills at my favourite refurbished treadmills merchant. Certainly amongst the refurbished Precor treadmills there is a lower range to choose from than new, but youd expect that. But there are still plenty of choices. And expect a substantial saving off new price.
So if youre new to treadmills and looking for refurbished Precor treadmills, or any refurbished treadmills for that matter, then there are some good choices available at some substantial savings.
Refurbished treadmills, certainly something to think about for the new treadmill user.
Find out more about Cheap Treadmills used treadmills, and treadmill maintenance at Peters website, Terrific Treadmills 2005 Peter Clark.
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