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Domain Names

Domain names are relatively straightforward! Or at least thats the theory!!

The domain name is also, but technically not quiet correct, known as the website address.

Using an ISPs domain name can look amateurish in an e-mail addresses, it is much more so with websites, giving the impression of hanging on anothers coat tails. The only exception being when a firm wants to re-inforce a local or professional affiliation by appearing as part of an existing site dedicated to a region or association. Even in such cases autonomy and continuity are better assured by having ones own domain and merely using a page on the third partys site to point users toward it.

Domains are classified according to their endings or suffixes. As a commercial organisation a company will almost certainly want a domain ending in .com or Other endings such as .biz and are at least to date, insufficiently familiar to users, meaning the name can be too readily misremembered. Of the two desirable suffixes, .com is preferable for business with international activities, and arguably gives the impression of a bigger organisation, whilst helps reassure users on the largely American-dominated web that they are indeed dealing with a UK firm.

The part of the domain name before the suffix will usually by the firms trading name, provided of course that the domain name has not already been registered, (which is increasingly likely these days). If the name is very long an abbreviation may be considered. Domain names are not case sensitive.

The actual registration of a domain name is a straightforward process that can be done online, either through your ISP or better still through a dedicated registration service company such as (

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