Home Equity Resources

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Home Equity Articles

Home Equity Loans

(Submited by: Paul Heath )

Home equity loans are a popular way for homeowners to borrow money using the equity in their home as collateral. With this type of loan you can use the equity in your home to finance a multitude of things, from home improvements to large ... Read article

Home Equity Loans - Friend or Foe?

(Submited by: Ethan Hunter )

Home equity loans are advertised on the airways, newspapers, magazines and just about anywhere else a homeowner may see or hear the advertisement. Some people feel that home equity loans are trouble waiting to happen. Others feel that home ... Read article

Bad Credit Home Equity Loans

(Submited by: Carrie Reeder )

A home equity loan allows you to borrow against the equity you have built in your house. Even if you have no equity, you may be able to borrow up to 125% of the value of your home. You can use the extra cash to consolidate bills, fund college ... Read article

Home Equity Loan Improvements

(Submited by: Sylvester Marc )

There's more Regulation Z compliance on the way, courtesy of the Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection Act. This fall banks will have to implement the new home equity loan disclosure rules the Federal Reserve Board was required to issue under the ... Read article

Types of Home Equity Loans

(Submited by: Joseph Kenny )

Home equity loans are a way of using the money that you've invested in your mortgage by borrowing against it. Essentially, a home equity loan is a 'second mortgage' - a loan secured by your property. If you don't make good on your payments, the ... Read article

Investment Property - Leveraging Rental Property Equity

(Submited by: Richard Chapo )

Owning investment property is a tremendous wealth building strategy. Thousands upon thousands of individuals have amassed great wealth by investing in rental properties.Unfortunately, few investment property owners learn how to leverage ... Read article

Refinance Your Home Equity Loan

(Submited by: Carrie Reeder )

Refinancing your home equity loan is an excellent way to save money. By refinancing your home equity loan you can lower your interest rate and finance for a longer or shorter term. Some things to consider before refinancing your home equity loan ... Read article

Free Home Equity Loan Information

(Submited by: Tim Gorman )

Home equity loan information can sometimes be confusing and misleading. I have written this article to properly explain home equity loans. Basically equity is the difference between your home's appraised -- or fair market value and the ... Read article

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