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Parents of Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers: 7 Universal Laws

1. The Law of the Beast

As parents we need to keep in mind that we are raising our teenager while we raise our toddler. They are essentially the same beast.

2. The Law of CPR

Having little to do with cardiopulminaryresuscitation, the law of CPR states that we need to be Consistent, Resistant and Persistent with our kids.

3. The Law of Words

Our little ones need to be taught to use their words, not their hands when dealing with conflicts.

4. The Law of Mine

In the world of a young child everything is mine. If I am playing with it, its mine. If you are playing with it, its mine. If I played with it yesterday and go bored with it, and you play with it today, its mine!

5. The Law of Sharing

Its very important to teach our children to share. At the same time, its just as important to understand that asking a small child to share their toy is like asking one of us to share our car or house!

6. The Law of the Team

Each parent brings a unique set of skills to the job of parenting. The goal is not so much who is right, but how do we form the best parenting team we can form. As I like to say we dont have to think alike, we just have to think together.

7. The Law of Solid Walls

Have you ever walked thru a solid wall? Of course not. But what if one day you tripped into a solid wall and went right through it, unharmed? Wouldnt you be tempted to try it again? Its the same with parenting- when kids get it that mom and dad are solid walls when it comes to managing behavior, the less likely they are to try to walk thru you.

Visit The Top 5 Things to Never Say to Your Teenager, from parenting coach and expert Jeff Herring.

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